Friday, June 19, 2009

It was Fun

John got his prize for being one of the early birds to my web site. (Diantha was also a winner and she would not take her prize with her when they visited, still working a one for Teresa)

I stepped out side and he was liking his fingers.

I agree where is the food? JOHN

Stopped in and visited Teresa and Danny. They are working very hard on their home away from home. And Teresa really knows how to use that gun in her hand. She had it pointing right at me a first. I know she may want to get even,but not with a nail gun.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

31 years

31 Great Years! What more could a Guy ask for?? Let me think about that..........................

Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!

When you are with the best the best comes out of you also.

31 years:

4 Children

7 grandchildren

a few pets along the way

Lived in many different places (even a old school house)

Lived in 5 different States in the United States

Many Church callings

Serving in the Temple together

Being able to know each others thoughts

Finish each others sentences

Road trips

Watching a movie

Sunday Morning breakfast

The list could go on and on and on..............