Small town along the Mississippi still using these old pumps.

On of our dealers in Iowa that I visited

Goat Dairy they are milking 400 ewes,

Friends. Our product is in the back the white ones.

River boat on the Mississippi

Mississippi River between Wisconsin and Iowa

Looking over one of the valley's. There is more to Wisconsin then cold and snow.

One of our products being used in a hoop barn to house calves indoors

lots of rolling hills and valley's in this part of Wisconsin

Some really nice crops soybeans.
Hope you enjoyed the tour.
Next week I will be in NE and NW Wisconsin.
See ya later.
In Wisconsin the people use the term "Bubblier"
What are they referring too?
I know what it is, but it wouldn't be fair to answer.
I have not idea- but guess mabbe it has something to do with someone who talks a lot :}
Great pictures
old pumps did not think they were around any more - cool!
Bubblier - is it something to drink from?
Cool pictures, glad you are back.
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