Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trade Show

The company Becky works for also shows animals at this show. They go all out where they keep them. Becky did the picture designs and other things. She did a very good job and alot of people do the second look. It is really nice.

I was one of the speakers for the education program.

This is what Calf -Tel booth looks like at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI. We will be here all week. This show brings in people from all over the world.


Teresa said...

Looks great- so are the both of you together at this show?
How did your classes go?

Walling Family said...

Looks like fun! Mom said that the milksource area was over the top! I am sure your presentation went great! Have fun this weekend.

pam said...

So did you serve them milk shakes?