Monday, April 6, 2009

Has it been that LONG?

How time flies. A lot has happen and we have been very busy. So I thought I would take a few minutes and write a few things.

Not sure where to start or where to end. So if it sounds like I'm jumping all over.Well I am.

Hey Pam thanks for coming back on. I really like reading about your family and all the fun things you all do.

This month at the annual meeting for the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association meeting I became President of the organization. This is a national organization of dairy producers and calf raiser. There are about 700 members nation wide. We had a very good Conference in Tucson,AZ.

Also while in AZ as a group we went to the Old Town Tucson for a show and dinner. This is a place where they have filmed and still film movies mostly Westerns.

This is what met us at the front gate.W had fun time and good meal.

We have seven grandchildren now. Diantha and Dave had a little girls. Really Diantha had her or should I say she gave birth to a baby girl. I can say Dave was a supporting player and had important role also.

We have also been busy at the house doing some remodeling.(pictures to follow) SOON

Right now I'm in Michigan and will be for the week. I'm one of the speakers for a Michigan State University education program for Dairy Producers. We will be at 4 different location in the state over the next 4 days.

I really enjoyed Conference this last week end. I hope many of where able to see or hear some or all the sessions. As I watched it was great to be able feel my testimony grow. Understanding who your friends are and who will stand by you in the good times and also the hard times is really eye opening. I must say that there have been times when I have not taken the time to be a friend. I hope I will have time to gain those friendships and prove myself. Over the past few months I have really learned who my friends are and those that I can call upon at any time. We all have dreams and work hard to make them come true. When your friends help you make those dreams come true it is really a russ. Those are friend you will never forget. Sometimes these friend can be people you have never meet. Put have gone out of their way to help someone you love very much. These are truly the feeders of the lambs and the meek of the earth. Staying close to the truth can sometime be hard. Forgiving others can be very hard. Being able to forgive is only one part of the plan. We must also forget. When I was hungry and cold,I was feed and clothed.
Prayer are they also answered? Sometimes we may question if they are. Our minds are so slow to learn,we spend to much time on the now. We find it hard to understand why our prayers are not answered on the spot. We some time forget the prayer that was answered just a few days or hours ago. I think of the people who prayed for Alma in the Book of Mormon. How they came together prayed that Alma and the Sons of Mosiah would have change of hearts. The prayers where answered and they welcomed the son's back.
Mason you will be a great Missionary. You have a very loving heart and many will see that.
Tara and Maurice remember where this new soul has come from. There is joy in life and eternal joy with family.
Our Heavenly Father really went out on a limb when he blessed me with a wonderful eternal mate and great children. Our Heavenly Father is in control and put us where we will grow the most. The veil is very thin. Understanding what we see and feel takes faith and courage.
Thank you Libby for your example.
Why do some grab the Gospel with great excitement and others let it fall from their hands?
I was think the other day about a statement that was made on a radio talk show. What one word tell what or who you are. So I was think of my family and this is what came to mind.
I see it late best go for now.
Hey I spy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


pam said...

Glad your back - smiles- good luck in your new area and with all your speaking jobs, you'll do great I know, thank you for being a great example to all of us!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, thanks for all you do for the family, by your example.

Teresa said...

Nice to see you up and posting- It's always wonderful to hear how you are doing and your thoughts.
Hope you are feeling okay- take to you soon.

Teresa said...

I meant to say TALK to you soon-

Walling Family said...

It is about time! Can't wait to see you in 3 days! We are all excited!

Libby said...

Hey your back. You have been gone a while. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Congratulations on your new spot with the Dairy Members.

Anonymous said...

Ya -it's be a L o n g time -- thanks for you words here -- very touching!
God Bless you -- and keep you safe!