Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Program in Michigan

Dr. James D. Quigley III, - A recognized author and researcher who is perhaps most widely know for his “Calf Notes” Newsletter, which can be found online at http://www.calfnotes.com. Dr. Quigley is the Vice President and Director of Calf Operations for APC Inc APC is recognized as a leader in plasma protein fractionation and applications research for the feed industry

Lewis B. Anderson Jr. - National Sales Manager/Calf Management Consultant, Calf-Tel Corp. Mr. Anderson is currently serving as the President of the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association. Anderson is a strong advocate for the Dairy Quality Assurance Program

Dairy producers and all those who raise calves will find something they can gain from this workshop . We encourage you to attend!

10:00 Lewis Anderson –Calf-Tel Corporation
Calf Raising and Employee
Managements Tips
* SOPs: How, When & Why
* Tips and Nips of Calf Raising
11:30 Using Milk on the Farm
Local MSUE Dairy Educator
12:00 Lunch and Discussion
12:45 Dr. Jim Quigley Ph.D. APC Inc.
New feeding strategies to improve
the health of young calves
* Importance of Colostrum
* Digestive implications of immunity
2:15 Dr. Dan Grooms DVM, Ph.D College of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan State University Extension
Vaccinating replacements for
lifetime protection


pam said...

another busy day for you.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Hello Pres.Anderson

Anonymous said...

totally busy -- and so impressed with all you are doing!